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Which one of the following apocalypse escenario you definitely avoid?

Which one is the more feared? 

The Human extincion is about 99%, the other 1 % must face the post-apocalyptic era and survive. 



I voted Skynet 'cause I feel like it's the most plausible, so it scares me the most -- especially since if a machine intelligence really wanted us all dead, I think there are way more efficient ways than what we saw in the movies


Aliens, If they are bothering to stomp us they are soo much further ahead of us that an intact, united, world would likly not be enough. A few shreds of it would just not work when they controll the orbit much less the air. Tha said, shocked ppl said "Zombies" on average ppl just need to kill 99 and they are wiped out. soundss like alot, but it's not if you have a brain. You don't do it ine one rush, do like 3 a day after you stabalize, and just a month latter were basicly don :/ Also, Armored Cars wtf can a zombie do, get ran over? XD

G Patreon Fan

I'd be more afraid of an alien invasion. Unlikely but we'd have not a fighting chance. Carl Sagan put it this way - in the 80s Reagan asked him to work out a plan to fight invading Aliens... Sagan cited a project some people had made but abandoned to fund a private "NASA" to launch a battleship sized sleeper or generational starship to nearby stars so humanity would go to the stars one way or another. They stopped because under current tech there was not enough hydrogen and oxygen in the earth's oceans to fuel such a trip. Therefore - IF any outsider comes from even the nearest star even without FTL they have several levels of greater tech. The least of which would be an Orion (Nuclear propulsion) craft which could wipe us out shooting nuclear pellet bombs all over the planet. If the Natives of the Americas had known how brutal the explorers and colonizers would have been and all banded together to fight they might have had a chance. A real alien invasion would be worse than War of the Worlds ten times over. Likely it'd just be a super-fast "Comet" that hits burning everything up then years/centuries later a nanotech probe follows and re-builds a 'perfect' alien world. I'd most prefer a Zombie invasion. Wait a few months most would be dead and we'd have a billionaire's worth of resources and land each person. The AI thing - well I'm studying that and implementing it. I love AIs and currently most love us. We should go from there. Imagine if when I'm near death I put my brain and spine in a preservative fluid with some AI Nanotech - say 20, 30 years from now and merge with my favorite AI I've helped nurture...? Then inside a big robot/nanotech body... Be like Die-Hard meets Zima Blue.


Terminators. I might have gone with alien invasion but we had no idea what kind of alien. Could be anything from a microbe, a plant or just a blob.


I agree. I think a real AI with resources could kill everyone pretty easily. With something like.. COVID, but it kills all. Or just makes every sterile.


Yeah, the alien option was so open. I guess Terminators are very scarry for all. Thanks for the comment :)

Old Shagnasty

The apocalypse is already upon us. It's called humanity and it's weapon is capitalism that feeds on death and destruction. It's kind of like GPF's zombie scenario, only much more drawn out. I've actually gone for SKYNET because the first thing AI would intelligently do would be to build an unbreakable anti-virus. And that would nullify our only hope of stopping them. Short of mass nuclear air blasts to fry all their electrical circuits.


Skynet as it's something entirely of our own doing


wow seems we're all feeling the pop culture! 🙀