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Hi guys, Im thinking in changing the design of Yeina Katana, Im trying different blade sizes and styles. This is an exercise about shapes and function. I tried short swords, two handed sword and of course a new brand Katana.  Let me know your thoughts. 

Thanks for your support.





What’s wrong with her sword? I really like your design ideas. But that elegant sword of hers is just perfect.


#1 would hurt if placed incorrect.


#1,2,3, and 4 looks too barbaric for Yeina. Not because of them looking "messy" but looks ruthless which I can't picture Yeina using as her main weapon. Unless there is someone she truly hates that deserves a painful death. #5 and 6 looks "heavy" which I am aware Yeina is powerful but her greatest asset is her speed and cunning. I do not know if these are meant for one-handed or two-handed weapons. #7 I feel is the most fitting, it's slim, thin, and light (I assume) which fits Yeina's style. I imagine her using long swords, short swords, and daggers. #8 looks very hero/villain themed which is not a problem for Yeina. I see her more of a raider that seeks treasures and thrills instead of world saving/conquering. The sword is very detailed so it feels like there is more meaning to it.

Old Shagnasty

Number Seven. But personally I like her classic Katana best.


Maybe try somthing that Was like the Buster Sword but then had a section or so broken out of it, somthing she found and, dispite being in a state were its sell value has been ruined, the blade itself still works just fin for her. (parts thatwould have proved it was from civ X being broken off, ectra) Could get a very intresting blade shape that way with logic and story to it ;3


For me I would go with 2 or 3 because they would look best for Yeina because of the length of them be best.


I agree with Gold Paladin #2 is too crude and #3 is too industrial for my tasts, but that is not to say something like them could not work.

G Patreon Fan

These are nice drawings. You art, your character, just my .02 I think she should have a simple weapon. Yeina is a professional and very quick and efficient in her fighting. Weapons with tons of sparkly spiky stuff sell to dumb teens that watched too many martial arts movies in the mall but are very impractical in any real fighting. From an art perspective it distracts from the character, hard as it seems to do and adds complexity to the drawing. For Yeina it should be a scimitar since she moves and dodges fast and also makes longshots to avoid coming too close to things that would beat or slash her up. Kind of like 13th warrior she can make the movement hit as hard as a large mass sword. Another alternative could be a Gladius or a sword with a slightly weighted front blade and is slightly longer. Given Ancient Rome the Gladius is the most efficient, deadly hand weapon ever made with modern weapons only coming close by larger population and larger wars. An AK-47 probably has a higher body count by now. However the latter is more weilded by brutal Roman soldiers with good armor on front and used to brutal combat and scars and Yeina likes to avoid those. Note also Yeina is probably going to pick up a Scimitar soon, given where she's playing doll at!


Number 3 would be best for Yeina


#3 or #7 feel best. Their design looks the most clean, deft, and efficient. Yeina seems to prefer quick, darting slashes and stabs at momentary openings in the opponent's defense. The others look too bulky, or too twisted in shape to give her that fine control.

Suzaku Rebellion

i know this is off topic but hey gula long time no talk, i remember coving your art along time.