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Yeina is walking the path of the warrior. A warrior must become dreadful and shameless.

I hope you like the page. I wanted to see this details on the story, the inner thoughts of Yeina and the reactions of her surroundings. Im really excited about telling this side plot.

Thanks a lot for your support.




Hank the Bobcat

Yeina's been taking fashion advice from Donald Duck, I see. Well, she rocks it!

Johnny 2x4

Oh this put a smile on face it reminds me of the guy with his girlfriend looking back meme which is a plus on my behalf hehehe

G Patreon Fan

From VERY classic cartoon "Worm! You never look at me like that...!" "Well, darling, you don't look like that..." Clobbers him... Love this! Poor goblin/troll thing is going to get a real COLD meal and bed tonight... I have an idea - the temple is going to have these scary pyramid style hallways (narrow top expanding to wide bottom) and a grate separates just enough space to crouch walk on a grate with lots of grappling room - then the bottom wider part is full of slimy water and in it swims tons of tentacle monsters with tentacles, feeler tentacles, eye tentacles and of course tentacles that conceal a pen-s! So they reach up and stare and gurgle and try to penetrate and feel her V!?


Give the little troll a chance with Yeina

Ford Prefex

Great to see Yeina on a new quest to more shamelessness! Let's see how many monsters she'll confuse with her new style :)


She will issues because her new not so dressing style. The next pages are been cooked


she looks good!