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Hi guys, remember Astrid was giving another try in extreme fishing practice? well here is the fishing result. She attracted a huge fish.

Bod and Kranko are on the back, very worried about the faith of her friend. 



Ford Prefex

Hahaha, this is brilliant! Now I want to see an x-ray version of the fish :)


Ooops… Thought it was Astrid and not Jonah. :)


hahahahahahaa this is scary sad and funny


Surprise! Astrid's boobs just met a worthy opponent! :D

G Patreon Fan

Well that was unexpected! Funny! Terrifying but funny! Perhaps she'll be inside the fish and it will digest her clothing though she's a "Cleric" in TTRPG terms so can heal and resist digesting or suffocating herself. Then she's resuced when the fish is caught days later by fishermen but the experience has left her dizzy and her hair is kind of short. The fishermen are gay so don't take advantage of her but take her to a market to sell her for more than they'd earn in years. Her friends then have to go to rescue her. Perhaps she ends up in the same Harem with Yeina?


I have some ideas about the fate of Astrid. Let me cook some concepts. Also thanks a lot for the good ideas. Hahahah fishermen gay? hahahah

G Patreon Fan

Glad you like it! I just suggested the fishermen be Gay or otherwise... Well Astrid seems to be a no-penetrate lady and they'd be at sea for weeks or months! Her personality could talk them into letting her pleasure them, but if she's conked out from overclocking her magicks not to be digested or suffocate they might just start doing her. There was also the "Blade and Soul" fanservice episode where one of the ladies got swallowed by a giant fish then when the fish was caught it was on a tropical island. The Natives considered her theirs and she was ready to go with it (one of the main characters) but she drank too much liquor and got too drunk so none wanted to marry her sadly...