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Hi guys, Ive been working on this large page. At last, Requiem has deliver the precious cargo. The Collector got his best piece and the world is save. This saga will continue on the next weeks.  I hope you like the art and the Plot. 

I would like to say thanks for all the support you gave me this 2020 despite the economic situation on the planet. I appreciate your help. You make this art possible because your good will and love to the erotic art. Thanks from the bottom of my heart and I hope you all are safe and with your beloved ones. 





Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 collector 😋


Hope you're safe and well too Gula, and that it's able to stay that way for 2021. As for this latest page, it's wonderful to see the Collector really WRINGING in the new year with those wonderful presents.

Ford Prefex

Thanks for your incredible work, Gula. The Collector is a fantastic story and I can't wait to see thr next pages! Happy New Year everyone!🎇

G Patreon Fan

Wish you a good new year, Gula!

Old Shagnasty

Requiem looks absolutely gorgeous in that last panel. If I was The Collector I would be hanging on to all of her.


I hope you make more of these. really fun :) maybe with some more tit teasing...


Thanks. Im glad you like Requiem. There will be more about her on the next pages.


Thanks Ford, Im glad you like the page. I will work on the next page soon.


Thanks. Yeah the Collector got the best pressent of all, he is a happy men now