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Hi guys, I have another sketch for you. I was inspired by Kamitora work and I came with this sketch. I was experimenting on the sight direction Yeina eyes and this 3 options tells a different concept.  One is watching the long object Yeina is holding, other is watching the owner and the last one is breaking the 4th wall, she is watching the camera. Each one of this 3 images feels different only changing Yeina eyes, please compare them and tell me what option do you like most. 





these are best in sequence

G Patreon Fan

They are all very cute and -creating its own pun "Eye catching"- Indeed it does create 3 separate images. The 4th wall one would be good on an 'attract' mode since it entices someone to read/buy it (probably be have to be zoomed - but plenty of Japanese porn does this adding pixels) - the other two - stare at man/his dick excellent for part of story. It's hard to say which one I like the most. I want to be for the one she's into his dick but the 4th wall one is really good. And, again neat that it's the ONLY change...!

Ford Prefex

Great to see how a different story is told by the pictures only caused by this small difference. Great work! Yeina's boobs are quite small though and that dick... is almost going up to his neck! ;)


Thanks a lot. Yeah. I think it is a good contrast to show a huge dick and small boobs. When I was doing the sketch I toguht about the direction of her sight. I wanted to show the 3 results :)


Agree, you make a good point. Also if you look close the vanishing point is also on her sight. Maybe I will draw the 3 options and make a sequence


Even with her boobs now small, she always find some well hung men


Fun test. Indeed all are great depending on what you want to tell. Pulling this huge tool from the zipper (without opening the belt) might have been a challenge if even possible😉and he does not look fully hard yet ;-). where is the trick 😜


Yeah I like that he is not on his full power mode yet. I think the fun part was to get him out from his pants like you said. Thanks a lot I will color this on the next days.


The eyes are so cool, I love how with each picture and direction you can imagine what she's thinking. And the little detail where she's gripping his dick shows how meaty and thick he is for her. I'd love to see her try and ride him from this angle!

Loonia Infinity

Mm ... I would say that it depends on the text if there is going to be any or even how the flow of the other panels will be.


Thanks. I will experiment with this picture and see how the images work is a sequence


Thanks Taro. I will try to do some sexy image for Yeina and this big fiend of her