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Y'all, I cannot tell you how PUMPED I am about this new batch of miniatures we're about to release.

I've been working with Adam of Twin Goddess Miniatures for several months now on these designs, and I cannot overstate how immensely talented (and crazy fast!!) he is. I am a pretty type-A person, especially when it comes to my characters, but he just immediately understood their vibe and I had shockingly few edits on these sculpts! I just have nothing but great things to say about working with him and I'm so excited to release this new batch. 😍

This set includes:

  • Edith the gnome matchmaker
  • May Bell the pixie
  • Morelia the wood elf witch (and her familiar, Cremini)
  • Penelope the deep gnome barbarian (both in her regular form, and her path of the beast form)
  • Undertow the feral mermaid

These will most likely be released in November so we can get them out before Christmas. It's looking like we WILL be able to release them both unpainted and printed in color at the same time, which is so exciting! (The question of whether or not they'll be immediately available at the larger size, and the question of whether we'll ever be able to release color prints of the larger sizes, are both still up in the air.)

These will be priced the same as my first set of minis, and you will be able to use your Patreon discount on them. I'll give you a heads up when they are officially released!

Which one is your favorite? 👀



Robert Thomson

May Bell, Penelope's beast form, and Undertow are competing to be my favourite.


I love the look of them all but Undertow will always be the best out of them, purely character wise.


Question!! I realize this is probably unlikely, but are there any plans to revisit earlier minis, like Na'Krasha, Augury, or Elliwyn with the Twin Goddess design style? I love my current minis, but I REALLY dig the style of the new ones too, so I figure I'd ask. =)