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Your support means the absolute world to me, and truly motivates me to keep creating. I am happy that you like my art, or me, or both, and know we'll have fun together here on Patreon! Here's where you can join the Art Town Discord! And follow me on Twitch to join the chat during the streams! Let me know if there’s any way I can make this page a more supportive, informational, or entertaining place. I love suggestions! Have a WONDERFUL day!! xoxo Ragon

Added: 2024-07
Thank you so much!


Your support means the absolute world to me, and truly motivates me to keep creating. I am happy that you like my art, or me, or both, and know we'll have fun together here on Patreon!

Your pledge will process at the first of the month, so any physical rewards will be delivered after that first pledge processes. If you’re interested in being added to my close friends list on Instagram, send me a message with your Instagram username and I’ll add you ASAP!

Let me know if there’s any way I can make this page a more supportive, informational, or entertaining place. I love suggestions!

Added: 2024-07