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here is the 3 part hope you like it! i think next of this i will start with the more sexual scenes and put thurd and xen naked or any of you have any good idea besides any sexual pose?

Thrud:Get up pretty boy, this is just the beginning

XeN:(Holy shit! she is picking me up with one hand like if i am nothing!)

Thrud:let's put you on the bed so you can be more comfortable my love

XeN: damn, girl you are fucking strong! you just threw me like a puppet hehe ¿now what you wanna do?

Thrud:like i said i wanna test how strong you are first, so get ready cuz here we go!!

XeN:You don't plan on crushing me with your whole body, do you?

Thrud:thats right!


Thrud:hahaha this bed is so strong, idk how its not broken, and you are strong too my love, you were able to survive! good job haha

XeN: my bones....

Thrud: dont worry, if anything bad happen to you i will health you so whe can continue :D

Thurd: hey can you hearth me? ups looks like he pass out whe can wait until he wakes up right here, so whe can start with the real fun stuff..

and just like that thrud jump into xen skinny body to crush them with her giant and muscular body, xen was able to survive all that weight because xen is not a normal human,

but even with that looks like xen pass out, any other normal human being will die in that situation.. 
