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hello everyone so as i promised i will be posting more of this all the week and this scene is about thurd turn and doing what she enjoys more, stomp on people chest :D as you can see xen body is too weak to be able to hold a almost 3 meters tall girl and you can see it his chest barely hold her weight haha, let me know if you have any other idea, i will let the sexual scenes for the last so this next one will be more of thurd having fun with xen like this so if you have any good idea feel free to comment and if i like it i will do it :D

Thurd: Now its my turn my love!

XeN: Wait what are you doing, why you want my laying down...

Thurd: this is something i really wanna do to see how strong you are XeN!!

XeN: What you have in mind? are you crazy dont step on my you gonna crush me, you weight more than 300 kilos, you gonna break my bones!

Thurd: o dont worry my love i will take care of you if something like that happen now lets see if you can hold my weight

Thurd: this feels so good! i can feel how your bones start to bend and i can feel how your heart begins to beat more and more haha

XeN: Ple-ease get of of me i cant breath you gonna break me in two!

Thurd: dont worry if something like that happen i will health you.

Thurd: and this is only the begenning i really like to see whats your limits are :D




Man is she big! Let's see what Xen's chest can take... But for an experienced foot fetishist like Xen, the pain can't be too much


yeah she is really big she is 2.80 meters tall and her foot its almost the same size as xen torso and she have to weight more than 300 kilos so you can imagine the pain xen is going through xD