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Started adding Redtree content back into the map.  I moved things around a bit to hopefully work better with the flow of the landscape.  I'm hoping to get the major vendors setup and get the tavern interior hooked up for the next build.  I need to do a proper art pass on the buildings and walls then I'll start on the building interior spaces.  

Did some save system polish.  I had forgotten to hook up the player's stats to the save system but I think all of that is working now.  So levels and experience as well as skill points should save and load properly.  Let me know if I missed something though!  

I also started adding exterior save spaces!  Currently if the player drops items on the exterior world map than those items won't be there when the map is unloaded and then loaded again.  With these save spaces anything that's dropped with a specific radius will be saved.  This is sort of shown in the 2nd screenshot.  I'm thinking that these areas will generally be around player housing.  That way it makes it easier and cheaper rather than trying to save and load every single object that the player drops across the entire exterior map.  

Also now that Redtree is back in there's a decent walk to get between there and the swamp town.  The player can still make that trek if they want to but if you don't feel like walking there's also a carriage system that is very similar to Skyrim's at the edge of each town.  The artwork for the carriage and NPC are placeholder until I have some time to make proper assets.

And lastly I've been polishing the imp dudes.  Most of their scenes have audio now.  I've started adding in the vfx stuff.  I've also been working on their AI and support for using lust potions against them.  I think I have most of those issues ironed out, they were getting stuck in a loop playing the same solo animation over and over again as they watched the player.  

So yeah, still cruising along.  I haven't figured out my plans for the holidays yet but I think I'll be working next week and then maybe take the last week in December easy.  I'd like to get this next build out the door at the end of December or the beginning of January though.  We'll see how it goes!



Ash Wyldlore

Is the distance between Redtree and Swamptown going to be roughly the same like build 1.15.01?


Yup, Redtree is in almost the exact same position still. It's a little bit bigger now and there's another gate entering town compared to some of the older builds. But yeah position and distance to swamp town haven't changed at all really.


love the size of the map its awesome! and have a nice Holiday!


Thanks! Yeah, now I need to fill things in with content. And this next upcoming build with the exterior bits of Redtree in hopefully it'll give an even better sense of scale. Happy Holidays!