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It's been roughly a month and I just opened the 1.15 build to all Patreon supporters.   


and be sure to check out the Build Notes for 1.15 if you haven't already

I'm going to try and have the new build out in the next few days.  I still have a lot of dialogue to type up though and then sometimes builds and uploads can take way more time than I expect.   But my goal is to get into the habit of doing more frequent updates and try to get a steady cadence going.  Maybe something like every other month?  Doing every month might be possible (at least while I don't have a day job) but also means smaller updates.  I dunno, does anyone have strong feelings or preferences about this stuff?  


Ash Wyldlore

I'm not a developer but, I seem to notice people tend to like steady updates. Maybe an update every three months or so?


I say put out an update when you feel something is ready enough for us to enjoy a new thing, when you want feedback, or when you're just proud of what you've created. In between actual releases, I appreciate that you touch base with us and keep us in the loop. That transparency goes a long way to keeping me as a supporter.


Yeah I've seen projects where they drop a release once per year and people seem to start getting really grumpy at that point. But I think you're right with the frequent updates and every 3 months seems pretty reasonable too. I'm going to play things by ear for a bit I think and just sort of drop an update whenever I have a new bite size chunk of content I think people might enjoy. But we'll see how it goes! And thanks for the input! It's appreciated!


Thanks! Yeah, that's sort of what I'm leaning towards doing, at least while I don't have a day job to deal with. Hopefully I can keep things steady and cruising along! And as for touching base I figure if people are following the project they should know what's going on and where things are at. Hopefully some of my more rambling blog-like posts don't get tiring to read!