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I'm trying to get Feign in a playable state.  It's still going to be rough around the edges but I want the foundation to at least be solid and fun.  Which means I've been trying to play the game like a player and not a developer.  Normally I spot check things, load the map in the editor, test something out really quick, see it's working, then close the game and move onto the next thing.  The problem is that so many bugs don't happen the first time.  

Let's take grapples for instance.  The first grapple would be good.  Work as intended.  The goblin would be clinging to the players' face and life would be good.  The second grapple, not so much.  The goblin would be floating at a random point in space a few feet away.  Third grapple... completely fine again.  I went in and thought I had everything fixed last night.  Grapples seemed to work.  I could chain them together and placement was totally fine.  Then I spot checked the regular scene animations and they looked alright.  This morning I opened up the game and tested scene animations again and the goblin is off at some random point in space.  Grapples were mostly working though.  So yeah, I've been fixing that most of the day.  There's still one random case where the goblin will be off floating in space and I think I know why it's happening.  I just need to find it and then test it a bunch.  

Oh, and another major bug, this one seems to be fixed, NPCs weren't despawning when entering and exiting buildings.   The spawn point would despawn but it would grab the NPC with it so the level geometry would disappear around the NPC and they would fall into the void under the map.  I noticed this when I was checking out the general goods store.  I had forgot to sell something and had just left the shop.  When I re-entered the shopkeeper wasn't there.  It took me a little bit of troubleshooting to think to check the wireframe mode and sure enough the shopkeeper was there they were just falling into that endless void and getting smaller and smaller in the distance.  

Other than that I've been chipping away at detailing the swamp environment along the major roads to town.  It's going slower than I would like but at least it's progress. 


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