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Sorry, about the sporadic updates... the day job has been chaotic and my sleep cycle is a complete mess right now.  I'm evaluating different options to get things back on track.

But I've been crunching the last few days on Feign trying to catch back up!  The swamp town is roughed out, I have gray box geometry for all the buildings and interiors and I'm about halfway through setting up the spawn points for all of the villagers.  Most of them have 3 different spawn times and areas - work, sleep, and recreation.  Some NPCs will lock their houses when they aren't home.  

The path between the town and the local mine is mostly detailed out.  The random gatherable spawn points are all dropped in and the NPC night time spawn points are also in place.  I still need to add the day time spawn points though.

There's 2 more paths to detail - the path to the swamp entry gatehouse, and the path over to the frog dungeon.  

Then the final scripting and setup on frogs and a getting at least basic dialogue trees on the town NPCs.  Then I'll put together a rough build and we'll see how things are looking.  

I'm probably forgetting stuff...hmm...  Oh crafting has a rough implementation so there will eventually be something to do with the gatherable items other than just selling them.  Day night cycle received some polish and is tied into the spawn system and the locked doors and items systems.  Oh and I have a rough pass on weapon and armor values and how that system will work and tie into the leveling system.  But it'll need a ton of testing once things are playable again to see how well it'll work.  Ok I'm going to go grab some food and then crash for the night.  

Thanks everybody for your patience!  It's been a much longer rough patch for me than I expected and I appreciate the support and understanding!!!



where can we download the game ?


Sorry my reply took so long! Here's the last patron build I put out https://www.patreon.com/posts/74030477 and the link to the associated build notes post https://www.patreon.com/posts/74030585