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I need to re-export his face rig again I forgot one of the constraints.  

But yeah, I'm cruising along on his animations.  Trying to knock out the base cycles and then I'll move onto more frog specific stuff.  His tongue scenes should be fun but might take a bit of experimentation with getting his rig to look right.  It'll be good practice for any tentacle heavy characters in the future.

Also did a bunch of work on traps for the frog dungeon, and well, any dungeons in the future really.  So far I have the rough templates for...

Falling block smashing traps.  Step on a pressure plate and a giant block comes and crushes the player.  

Floor spike traps where the player steps on a pressure plate and spikes shoot up out of the floor.  

Delayed area of effect trap.  Once the player gets close enough to a point it'll trigger an explosion centered on that point after a specific set of time.

And the last one is a camera magnet trap.  The player will enter a volume and then their camera will be drawn to a specific point.  They'll be able to look away but their camera will keep drawing back.  The strength of that pull can be increased over time.  There is also a script hook to trigger an event (damage, text, fx, whatever) if the player lets their camera rest on the focal point for a specific period of time.  Then to break the magnet effect the player just needs to get far enough away and their camera will go back to normal.  

I'm going to start doing the actual frog dungeon level layout next and I have a rough outline for the "trials" that the frogs will put the player through.  That plus the traps should make the dungeon not feel quite as empty as the old imp cave.  



