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I've been working on detailing the main road through the swamp.  I'm almost all the way to the town along the road.  There's still a ton of polish to do but I think it's starting to give the right vibe.  The fog volumes and some fx work will also really help sell the scene I think.

I also worked on the save / load system a bit.  NPCs will save to individual external files now.  The old system I had them saved out in groups and it was a pain to move one NPC from a building interior to the exterior world.  Now it should be as simple as referencing their specific file and spawning them.  

The initial idea was to load NPCs from an easily editable external txt file.  Then anyone could go in and change around some values and customize any of the NPCs that they wanted to.  The downside is there is a noticeable hitch any time I load something from a text file for just one NPC.  I didn't try scaling it up to load all of Redtree.  But with the current system it saves to a binary file and the load time isn't noticeable, at least in my limited testing so far.  

But all is not completely lost on the player edited NPCs.  For starters the current system will save any effects from transformation potions to those NPCs.  I think it would also be possible to make an in-game NPC editor?  I haven't dug into this at all yet but if there's interest I could see how difficult it would be to implement.  Roughly the idea would be, from the main menu, the player could go into an NPC editor that would be similar to the character creation menu.  Then load up their desired NPC and save them out.  

Other than that I'm chipping away at the frog scene animations and I started on the first person weapon animations for the player.  There are finally some proper 2 handed axe swings in first person mode!  I'll be slowly updating and going through the rest of the weapons as I can find the time.  



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