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Ok, she's only got a super basic animation on her right now but I think this will work alright for the female imp?  Her setup isn't anything fancy.  She has the same collision cylinder as the other characters and is technically still "on the ground" and not actually flying.  But instead of putting a bunch of time into figuring out a flying controller and AI stuff I think this will be alright.  I'll get some more polished animations on her first so she isn't quite as stiff and then post up some more WIP shots "soon".  What do you think?  If you ignore the stiff animations does she look alright so far?

And also I've been roughing out the swamp area and points of interest.  I reworked the swamp ton with those placeholder buildings from last week and also started roughing out the entry point to the swamps if the player is taking the road south from Redtree.  Obviously these are the "before" pictures and still need a whole ton of polish.  

I've also been finding more weird stuff in UE 5.1.  The character editor is giving all sorts of weird issues with lighting on the blendshapes.  I spent a few hours today trying to figure out why and as far as I can tell it's something in the post process stuff but I can find exactly what.  

Oh and HLODs in 5.1 seem sort of broken?  I'm still digging through forum posts and documentation to see if I can find fixes.  But the biggest issue right now is if I add foliage to and HLOD, bake the HLOD, then try to add more of that same type of foliage to the map, the engine will crash.  

From what I've read in forum posts a lot of these issues are because a lot of features in 5.1 are still very new and haven't had the kinks worked out just yet.  So I'm hoping as the engine matures a bit that these issues will be solved in future releases. 



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