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Getting there.  Finished up the 2nd melee swing (the right most anim), animated the 3rd melee swing (middle), and a hit reaction (left).  Only a few more vanilla animations to go!

Had a little bit of time of time to work on some environment assets mostly just foliage texturing.

And I grabbed that animated text plugin.  https://twitter.com/protowlf/status/1594416352722583552
I've only done a quick test with it and it's really cool so far.  Now I've just got to find some time to dig into it and see how easy it is to integrate with the current dialogue system.  Hopefully it goes smoothly.  

Day job update - still waiting to hear about the layoffs.  Complete silence since they announced them.  Hah, sort of just waiting to open slack in the morning and see a list of names.  Or maybe they'll just disconnect people's accounts so you won't be able to log into your machine in the morning?  Oh well, it's all out of my hands.  It's just sort of a dark cloud that is hanging over the studio.  




That's awful about the layoffs! Hope you aren't under too much pressure at the moment!


Thanks! I've been trying to keep myself distracted so I don't stress out about it. The uncertainty and trying to guess who they'll layoff and why sucks. But I'm still really fortunate at the moment - steady paycheck, health insurance, and I have Feign to work on in my free time :) so things could be a whole lot worse.