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Super quick rig and animation test in the above gif.  I quickly retargeted on of the minotaur's animations over to this guy to get him moving.  Seems like most everything is working alright, other than him looking down and really grumpy.  But that'll get fixed once I start working on his custom animations.

I also did some quick textures for his loincloth stuff and a polish pass on his skin textures.  There's at least one more pass to do on his skin to finalize everything.

I was working on one of his abilities where he shoots his tongue out and if it hits someone it'll drag that character towards him.  Most of the mechanic is working but I ran into some major issues with the visual effects inside of Niagara with UE5.  After a random amount of time after working in Niagara my entire PC will start to freeze up.  This seems to be caused by some Unreal specific process that I can't kill through the task manager and I have to do a hard reboot in order to get my computer working again.  Super frustrating and I'm still not certain what's doing it.  But for now I'm going to rough some stuff out in Cascade, the old FX system from UE4, and hope that there's a bug fix coming from Epic at some point or maybe I'll find some fix in a forum post someplace.  But yeah, I lost a bit of time to messing with that stuff.  

But he's getting there and I can't wait to start on animations and also on the female frog version.  




He's incredible! I'm so proud of you for your commitment and passion that has kept you going through software upgrades, random bugs and hurricanes. This project is truly a labour of love.


Thank you, that really means a lot to me. Feign really has been a breath of fresh air and has made me find my love of game development again. And it's so cool seeing familiar faces week after week that are along for the ride. All of you are awesome!