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Still chipping away at animations for the lesser incubus.  

Testing out some new animations and AI on goblins right now too.  I added in some hit reaction animations and sounds fx.  I'm going to script a mid combat temptation scene for her next.  The idea is to get a relatively polished target for how most combat encounters should flow and then use that as a starting template for the other characters.  

And the never ending work on quest scripting and bug fixing continues!  Sorry this is such a long process but it's a system that sits on top of and depends on all of the systems underneath it.  Which means any bug fixes are usually pretty involved.  So far basic quest scripting is all pretty solid but it's when multiple animations or dialogues need to fire off that funky stuff starts to happen.  




This looks so amazing! I have a suggestion, was wondering if in the future it would be possible to have our saved characters as NPCs that we can interact with. So lets say I make a female and save her, she could spawn in the tavern and I could make a male character and go in to interact. Might be cool!


Thanks! As for making custom characters and NPCs - sort of. There's the basic functionality in game to customize human NPCs through "reverse" pickpocketing them and placing transformation potions on them. There's a few major bugs that need to be fixed mostly dealing with saving out those customizations on humans that are inside of buildings. It's something I'll go back and fix when I'm updating the save system in UE5. I had plans initially to allow the player to export and customize text files to change the human NPCs in the game but I thought it would be more fun to do that customization as a gameplay mechanic with potions and items rather than making people change variables in notepad. There's also a longer term plan to let the player customize a "rival" of sorts that is planned as a recurring character that the player will cross paths with. And finally I do want to add mod support, probably -way- in the future. Then that gives people the most freedom for customization. What do you think? It's not an exact fit but would those features still scratch that NPC customization itch?