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It's been slow going this week.  Trying to fix up the major content breaking bugs that I cut a bunch of content for back in December.

Night Goblins should spawn in the next build.  I fixed the bugs in their spawn points and I'm currently testing them.  I still need to add some visual FX to make it clear where and when the spawn points are active.  

I'm also working on the dialogue and scripting bugs that were the reason I cut the newer dialogue trees.  There's still a few bugs here that I'm tracking down that are tied in to NPC AI and other systems.  

While I was fixing some other AI bugs I think I figured out the movement and actions after an NPC has been knocked down bug.  This specific bug has plagued me for way too long and every time I think it's fixed it'll pop back up after another build or two.  

So yeah, I'm going to keep grinding through these bugs then squash the bugs that popped up from the new animations then hopefully get a build out the door.  

Thanks for your patience on this new build!  Fixing bugs and putting together builds sometimes goes very quick and very smooth and other times ends up being a slog like it is right now.  But I really appreciate all of your support!




Will we be getting a new build soon? :D


I really hope soon. It's been a grind the last few weeks and just one major bug after another. It'll be out as soon as I can get a stable build running. I don't want to give a specific date and let anyone down, especially since I had intended to have it out at the very end of last month but then stuff started breaking. Sorry about the delay!