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Chipping away at the animations list this week.  I started remaking the doggystyle animations from scratch so I can have source files for those again.  Those were a casualty of my computer catching on fire a while back.  The solo "self-pleasuring" animations need to get remade too as those source files were also lost.  

Then I started looking into the above issue with animations and the larger body types.  Most animations seem to work alright with one body slider maxed out but the major issues come in when multiple sliders start getting added together.  The 3rd image above is the maximum body type the player can have in game.  So now I'm trying to figure out a way to make that work.  New animations for a maxed out body will need to be made.  That's not a big deal, it's mostly just a matter of time to make the variants.  What might get awkward is how to choose which scenes the player see.  In the sandbox mode it's easy enough to just give the player all of the scenes for larger and smaller body types and let them choose whatever they want.  But in any scripted scenes where the animations are already set I'm not sure what to do.  Maybe a check box or toggle button?  That puts the power in the hands of the player but clutters up the UI.  Maybe look at the values of the body sliders and then automatically choose for the player?  That seems a little forceful and the math might get weird right on the edge cases.  

I dunno, just thinking out loud here really.  But if you have any thoughts or preferences let me know.  I tried thinking of an easy solution or a one size fits all but couldn't come up with anything.  At least not yet.  

Alright, back to animating.




Will all positions be available for all characters? For example with IMPS only cowgirl is available but in future update will things like reverse cow girl and doggy be an option?


Oooh, nice! Yeah I imagine having to adapt the animations and respective scenes for each body type could become qutie the task as more are added. Loving that the body can be pushed to quite the extreme! Hopefully we can find NPCs with those same type of proportions at some point as well ;P.


Thanks! Hopefully at some point I can get more positions for the other races. It's mostly just a matter of time. Because the different races all have such different proportions and different rigs that I'm doing everything by hand. So just a matter of time :) I'll definitely be working on more imp animations in the future!


Yeah, I need to start adding more variety to human NPC body types and appearances. Right now I usually just duplicate an existing NPC and then tweak one or two things just as a placeholder. So they all sort of look really similar at the moment. It'll get there when I have time to do more polish and as I add in more different clothing types for specific characters.