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Still chipping through the list of NPC outfits for Redtree.  This sculpt is for one of the workers you'll see around town.  

I set up a twitter!  https://twitter.com/DevFeign   There's not much there yet but I'll start posting random bits of progress this week.  I'll do my best to stick to just gamedev related tweets.

Working on putting the AI together for narrative scenes and trying to cleanup bugs as I go.  The biggest downside to the new AI and scene tweaks is I need to go back and re-export all of the animations and/or change the root motion on all of the scene animations.  It's pretty much a day or two of just pressing export, importing into the engine, then checking to see if anything is super broken.  There is one snag from last year when my computer blew up I lost a bunch of source animation files.  Which means I have a few choices of updating the animations in engine with an additive animation layer, exporting the animations into Maya and doing all the necessary cleanup (it's like mocap data cleanup) and this loses all the facial animations, remaking the animations from scratch, or doing some hybrid of those last two options.  Which I'll probably do the last option because I'd like to update and polish those old animations anyway.






Getting excited to see where the game goes. That said I think personally you should consider what elements you take from Corruption of champions, I think if the combat is gonna involve it's sex like mechanics you're either gonna love it or hate it. I tried a couple of these type of games feel like usually it ends being that you prefer one over the other, either you're trying to just get sex responses or you're trying to avoid sex if it's someone or something you don't want to have sex with.


Thanks! and I completely agree with you. But in all honesty I really don't know how to handle mixing combat and sex. I think it's going to take a few iterations, some player testing, and getting feedback from everyone. That's the short answer. Now for the long answer... The theory that I'm working under is that everything should be lewd to some extent. So that combat should be somewhat sexual so it doesn't interrupt the rhythm of the player. The goal is for the player to always have their pants down and having difficulty keeping their hands on their keyboard and mouse right? But there's always going to be chunks of content that will cool the player off. Like take Monster Girl Quest as an example. There's going to be content where the player is turned off and just burns through it for the sake of getting to the next dungeon that they enjoy. Then that dungeon is usually structured where all of the content is relatively similar and then it builds in intensity over the course of the dungeon and culminates in the boss fight. What I worry about is that combat will turn into "only combat"/ a chore and become one of those sections of content that the player burns through to get to the stuff that they like. Why not try to make the combat sort of like foreplay to the post combat scenes? Which you're right here as well that then the player will most likely try to just get the sex animations and grapples during combat. But I'm hoping that there can be a meta level of gameplay here similar to the above dungeon example from Monster Girl Quest. The player will know that they're only at the beginning of the dungeon and that there's more content deeper in to see and by messing around with this one enemy they are burning through their resources of healing and mana potions. There's consequences to the player's actions and they'll need to make a choice of spending all their time with this one enemy and then returning to town to resupply or going deeper into the dungeon without supplies and possibly losing in combat. Now on the flip side when the player runs into a character that they can fight but they don't want to see any of the sex with that specific type of character. The plan is to give the player different options on how to deal with this situation. Eventually the player could switch to ranged weapons or spells to avoid any unwanted grapples. The player could also avoid the combat encounter entirely through stealth. I also would like to add the ability for the player to talk their way through things but this option isn't fleshed out and I'm not really sure how it would be implemented. Finally the player could fight that enemy normally and try to defeat them quickly before anything lewd happens. Which in some ways is a really interesting meta that other vanilla games don't have. Normally losing in combat for the player means loss of health or death and going back to a checkpoint but now it would also mean seeing content that they might now want to see. For the player then this type of dungeon wouldn't be super sexual but would hopefully be an interesting puzzle or at the very least it would be content to burn through and farm experience. So, yes. I think it's really an either or for most players. There will be some stuff that people are really into and some stuff that they are turned off by. I don't think there's a way around it unless the gameplay was narrowed down to one very specific type of content. I think it can also be turned into an interesting bit of meta gameplay too. Well that's where my head is at currently. What were you thinking though? Am I missing something super obvious? Let me know if there are any recommendations for games I should try out and borrow mechanics from. A lot of my thoughts on this are all just theory because I haven't found another game that's doing the exact same thing as I'm trying to do. Like if I was making a traditional third person shooter it would be so easy to load up a game like Gears of War and say "here's the blueprint, I just need to copy this". And with lewd games there's bits and pieces that I want to take from other games but some of those other games are text based, while others are 2d platformers, or top down strategy rpgs. I haven't found anything that does all the things realtime in a 3rd person of first person view yet. Sorry about the super long post! If you can't tell this is one of those issues I've been wrestling with for a while.