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Super quick and dirty video this week but I wanted to show off the systems that I just got working.  Also the UI and everything will eventually get an update to actually look better.

Inventory Item Display and Description:  Items in the player's inventory will now have a 3d preview of the item as well as a description and stats for that item.  This is roughly how Skyrim handled things.  Mouse over item buttons in inventory to examine.  I'll probably add mouse control to spin the items around in the viewport as well as unify the item display and orientation so that the presentation is cleaner.

NPC animations can use props: The polearm the guard is holding in this clip is a prop object that is loaded by the idle animation he is playing.  This is the groundwork system done and functional now it's a matter of making the props and the animations to use them.  

Prop placement system: The player can now move and place certain objects in the world.  The plan is to make a system in between the housing systems in Skyrim and Fallout 4.  I don't want to go as far as Fallout 4 and allow the player to build actual buildings but I want the player to be able to buy a prefab house / room / whatever and then customize the interior of that space.  I'm pretty sure the system would be optional and most prefabs would come with a base level of furniture if that's what the player wanted but then for other players they could edit or delete that furniture.  

Any thoughts, feedback, ideas?

Also bugs.  I think I broke some stuff in the alchemist's quest chain and I can't get her to sell me potions after I've done some tasks for her.  I think it's something that broke in the dialogue trigger and the reference to her character inventory when I did the full build.  I'll try to track it down and get it fixed for this coming build.  

This month: Going to get back to polishing up animations and trying to hunt down the alchemist's bugs.  I'm going to try and have the new build ready some time next week. 




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Awesome sound kinda like house system from Fable 3?


Yup, pretty close to the Fable 3 systems. I'm going to try and give the player a lot of freedom too in how they lay out objects too. Like if the player wanted to build a fort out of beds or have them sticking to the ceiling or wall they can if they want to.