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There's going to be a few rough edges with the 1.8 build but I think all the core stuff is working.  The goblin alchemist is in game!  Her basic intro questline to get her shop up and running is working.  The basic rundown is the player is helping her get her shop started by gathering potion ingredients.  The current functionality will have the player turn in each tier of ingredients until the end of the quest chain which culminates with the new narrative animation scene.  

1.8 rough changelist

  • Alchemist Goblin character with oufit and hairstyle
  • Alchemist's hut building exterior
  • Alchemist's hut building interior with props
  • Consumeable potions for health, mana, and stamina
  • New shader for potions + glass potion bottles
  • Narrative branching scenes tied in with dialogue
  • Tooltips added to dialogue screen 
  • More hotkeys and ways to exit dialogue
  • Ingredient plants and similar actors will respawn after a specified amount of time - default is roughly one day
  • Testing new goblin jiggle system and animations
  • Idle animation markers have been added for AI - currently only the alchemist has these - a few known bugs during dialogue and facing direction while playing these animations
  • New skin shader updates for NPCs

Finding the alchemist.  Head out of town through the downhill gate swing a right at the first farm and follow the path up into the woods.  That path will end at the door to her hut before too long.  

2 bugs right now - save games don't track the alchemist's quest progress yet.  And there's a bug in first person view when the narrative scene is initiated for some reason the player's mesh gets a weird offset and doesn't play the correct animation at first.  I'm still digging through code trying to find where this is coming from. Both of these should be fixed in 1.9.   

Saved games between versions are still buggy and it's safer to start a fresh game with a fresh install.

Things I've learned this month: smaller bites when planning out content chunks.  Even with running a bit over the release date of the 15th that I like to do for builds and going an extra 2 weeks modeling a new character, hairstyle, building, props, animations, shaders, and programming is super ambitious and can be done but won't allow me the time that I would like to be able to polish that content.  I think next time I'll plan out more like sprints?  Or like goblin alchemist phase 1, phase 2, etc.  Then I think that will make it feel like ok, this is a piece of a larger whole that is being made rather than this felt to me like I needed to have everything finished at once.  

Well, thanks again everyone for your patience and hopefully this is a fun build.  If you want let me know what you think or if you find any major bugs or anything.  Cool, I'm going to go get some actual sleep now that I'm no longer crunching.



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