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 Download Feign Proof of Concept Build 1.4 

A couple notes first:

I found out that the dynamic spawners are broken at the very last minute.  If the AI has gotten outside of their spawn bounds and then triggers a scene bad things end up happening.  Rather than put people through that I just disabled all the spawners and dropped in static NPCs around the town area.  It isn't ideal but I wanted to get a build out on time.

Also slime girls and imps don't have scenes or combat in game yet.  The slime girls I have their win vs. male player scene almost ready but then I remembered I don't have their attack animations ready so there is no way for them to attack or knock anyone down and then no way to see those scenes.  The slime girl will also be the first character to have facial animations during her scenes and I'm using her as a test bed for that workflow and so I'm taking a bit more time and putting in some extra work on her animations.  

 Version 1.4 Changelist:  

  • 5 new face shape presets in character creation
  • Blacksmith outfit
  • AI now understands and uses objects in the world based upon time of day
  • AI will dynamically follow assigned waypoint pathing
  • The system is in place for dialogue barks (short one sentence lines "you know what's wrong with Skyrim these days?" sort of thing) Still need to write and implement them though
  • Map Optimization and detailing
  • Post Process updates - depth of field and color grading 
  • Resting / Waiting bug fixes
  • Flowers
  • Misc. fixes to environment collisions and textures



Fiery Toast

What do you think. How long will it take to make this game? PS: I hope you can play a virgin ^^


I start the game right now and I know that it is in development, but there is realy only my player for now? Where are the goblins and NPCs? Not even one?


That sounds like you might be experiencing a bug. Is your character being spawned in the middle of town? Is there a large tree with a red canopy in front of you? Are there guards walking around? Or when you leave town are there any NPCs at all around? And just to double check are you on the 1.4 version?


Hah, years? As long as I can keep working on it? To be honest I have no end date in mind really. If I can keep adding content and having fun with the project then I'd like to keep going. There's that entire landmass to fill and there's nothing stopping me from adding another continent later or maybe floating islands in the sky? or some crazy underworld? But at the very least it should be feeling much more game like over the next few months as I start plugging all of the different systems together. And the virginity is on the todo list. It's just going to be a little while before I can get to it.

Opticon Studios

Excited to continue seeing this develop ..

E i G H T

Loving the new build.Leaving town and seeing those slime girls patrolling really gave me that "Oh shit, we're in an RPG NOW EVERYONE!" feeling.Ran around trying on everyone's outfit with the full chubby body to try and break things.Couldn't break anything.All clothes fit perfectly.This is coming together!The town looks beautiful and adding those rooms in the Tavern really breathes life into it. - Some NPC's sitting around at the tables could elevate the tavern. - A chatter soundtrack could help make it feel a little more buzzing. I know you're one man! This is awesome! Gogogogog.