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Hi folks,

All scenes, except the final scene (and a sex sequence on one path of the Monica/Zarah scene) has been sent to the QC team for testing, so progress continues (albeit still a few days behind where I would have liked).

The missing sex scene will be done in a couple of days. (I just had some problems with switching between views and across characters, so need to re-do), so that will just leave me with the final scene. For the final scene, as mentioned previously, all artwork and animations are completed.  I am currently over halfway through writing this scene.  I will post another update on Sunday evening (GMT) after what I hope will be another productive few days.

Also, for anyone expecting a refund for September: By now, you should have an email confirming the refund.  If you did not receive a notification, please send me a DM and I'll get on it ASAP.  Please don't use the comment section for this as it'll be a nightmare for me to keep track of.

Some people who weren't expecting a refund may have got one unexpectedly. Basically, as I was up most of last night processing refunds one at a time (a long and arduous process :) )...at a certain point, I started clicking extra names just to get through it quicker, so a chunk of extra people got an unrequested refund. If this happened, don't worry about it, I'm not looking for it back. :)  I'll put it down to the cost of doing business way past my bedtime. :) :)

Let me know if any questions or comments below.


Cheeky RR Martin


Brian Borsching

Cheeky RR Martin huh? Must think this is some kind of Game of Homes haha