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Hi Folks,

A quick update (more to follow at the end of the weekend as I will be doing a LOT of work this weekend.)

So, I'm a few days behind where I would like to be due to being very busy in my real job this week, so didn't get as much time on WTHI as I would have liked (only about 4-5 hours each evening), but I hope to catch that up over this weekend (my family are away, so no distractions...will be dedicated fully to WTHI) AND I'm taking some more unpaid leave from my job next week to keep the focus on WTHI...so I still expect that we are approximately two weeks away from releasing episode 24.

Also, I have decided to turn payment back ON, so patrons will be charged in September. I know I said I would hold off until AFTER the release, but as we are this close to a release, I'm hoping people understand. Although the partial payments this month helped, they barely covered Cell's wages over the past three months while payments were off.  So I've been running in the negative over the past few months and I need some funds so I can continue to take time off my real job, when needed.

All questions and comments below will get a response. Or DM me if you don't want to post publicly.





Too many hours, too heavy focus, you need more balance, I've seen several, if not more, devs fall apart. I work hard too, but I also stop and recharge, i don't pretend to know you or your lifestyle, but reading your post immediately brought to mind "burnout" which my boss worries about for me. Not speaking for others, but would rather wait longer and know you'll be okay than see more chapters "on time" or faster. I support more than a few devs and these VN's are my "escape", but i never stop supporting any of them for "real life" issues or pausing to regain their balance. And making this VN shouldn't cost you money, your time and talent have a value and i imagine many of us would have been fine to keep paying. Those that aren't should re-evaluate why they became a patreon to start with.


Yes to the idea of a poll asking whether payments should be paused next time, i agree, i think you'd be surprised based on similar polls i've seen, i, for one, support you, not the VN.