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Hi folks,

Just wanted to share some updates about my last post when I presented a pic of Monica from the re-do  and I mentioned that there was a slight issue/something that needed tweaking. 99% of you got it wrong. :)

Let me clarify a couple of items before telling you what the error was....

Monica got an upgrade back in episode 18 (the carnival episode) which changed her from looking like this (Episode 1):

To looking like this (episode 18):

This episode 18 Monica is the same model we have used since then (Ep18-23).  The episode 18-23 model (the image above) is the exact same model we will be using for the re-do. I repeat, we are not making any changes to Monica for the re-do, since this episode 18 re-model.

Now...onto this image that I posted last time:

This is the re-do model (same as episode 18-23) but with one error/tweak needed that I mentioned.  The vast majority of you didn't notice but the error is.....her boob size. When we dropped her into the new scene, we accidentally reset her boob slider.  So the boobs above are smaller than Monica's usual size.  I personally prefer this slightly smaller size, but we won't be using them.

This is how she should look and how she WILL look for the re-dos (same as her episode 18 model):

This is the correct version of Monica and this is the Monica we will use for the re-do. Yes, her boobs look enormous but they were always this big (in the original episode 1 version and the new EP18-EP23 version).  As I said (even though it was an error), I actually prefer the more natural look of the first image, but everyone who knows Monica, knows she has excessively large boobs so I am not going to change the size for the re-do. 

It is crazy the amount of messages we received about stuff we have "changed" on Monica after the first re-do image above (all of them incorrect). Only two people spotted the boob issue. We also got the same when we updated some of the other characters where people noticed changes that didn't exist. 

And just to address a couple of other observations from the re-do sample pic that I posted.  Some people "spotted" that the house looked wrong compared to the original.  This is not an error - The house has been completely re-modeled for the re-do as some of the assets we used are very dated and don't look great.  (More on the house upgrade in my following post - just want to stick with the subject of Monica for this current post).

Lastly, regarding Monica and her new (re-do) dress.  Some people voiced concerns that Monica looks a little sluttier in this dress and are worried that we are going to change her from her more "shy/reserved" character to a more open/slutty character in the re-do.  This is not correct, so please don't worry.  If anything, she will be a little more restrained as the original version she came on a little strong regarding affection, etc. so there will be more options to rebuff her and she won't be as pushy as original Monica.  But that's just a few minor tweaks to correct some items in the first few scenes where players who weren't interested in Monica (God forbid!) felt that she was a little overbearing.. Overall, she will be pretty much the exact same character. And there is a reason why she is wearing the more revealing dress.  All will be revealed (forgive the horrible pun) when you play the re-do.

 Here's some more examples of the transition to re-do (and with the incorrect boob size):

Original episode 1

Re-do (Attempt 1 - Smaller/incorrect boobs)

Re-do (Attempt 2 - Correct boobs)

Re-do (Attempt 2 - Correct boobs) - But this version is for the more restrained/less interested players.

Hopefully, this helped clarify some items, but more than likely just opened myself up for more questions. :)   Please post any questions/comments below and I'll get back to them all.   Another post to follow straight away with some more non-Monica re-do news.





Generally nice improvements in renders but please look on the nude Moinica, her waist is too narrow, she's supposed to be sexy but she doesn't look like a human being any more. This is a common mistake in many Visual models - the bodies looking very unrealistic. There is a very thin border between perfect and ridiculous unfortunately.