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Hey folks,

Progress continues to go well.   Ace and I are both finishing off writing our last scenes. And Cell is pretty much done with the still image artwork.  Currently the animations are the bottleneck  (We always overwork Cell in that department) with a few more to finish.  So still on for a November update but once we throw testing into the mix, etc... it'll be a late November release.  To answer a question, we received last week....the November release will be a full finalized release (not a beta).

Let me know if any questions,





What is the normal pattern for new chapters? Is 7 or 8 months the norm?


Are we still on track for a November release? I'm getting pretty hyped here :)


No. This was the longest time between updates due to Cheeky getting sick. We were averaging 2-4 months before depending on the size of the update.