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Hey All,

Just a very quick update to say things are still going very well and we are still on track for episode 21 to be released later this month. 

I'll some further details soon along with some teaser pics but just wanted to keep everyone in the loop regarding progress.

Let me know if any questions or comments.





Jolina, Jolina, Jolina :P


One day, when the game is completed, I will play Casanova, seduce all girls and confess my love to all of them and see what a big disaster it will bring me at the end. I wonder if I end up alone or will there be at least one girl who forgives me and who would still want to stay with me. Please, don't spoil it for me, I want to see it myself :)

Junaluska Hall

at that stage I think it would be more like one girl who has no respect for you or her if she sticks with Casanova in this game lol. But we can always dream.