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Hey All,

A few updates to share...

Finally heard back from Red -  .  The good news is he hasn't ditched us, just had some stuff going on.   He is off the grid for valid reasons and  not sure when he'll be back but  at least we know he's alive :)  And good to know it wasn't us that drove him underground! 

Work continues on Ep17 (all the focus is on artwork, so Cell is carrying the can on this one and is completing a lot of work so things are going well) and at the moment I'm reasonably confident that we'll have all our images completed before the end of April (plus the script finalized to incorporate the artwork).

I won't give any guarantees at the moment, but things are looking a lot more positive this month and as per my last update, I will turn off payment  / charges if we don't get Ep17 out this month.

The only item we don't have a clear plan for is ..... to have animations completed by the end of this month but let's get the artwork done first and then will then concentrate on anims.  Fortunately, Cell has a lot of skills in animations, so it's not a major concern atm.

I'll post a couple more spoiler pics soon....


Mark Clegg

Good news in regards Red and glad you feel in a better place progress wise

James Smith

Hey, I'll take quality over quantity any day with this kind of item. If it takes more time so be it, i'm sure most of us will still be here when you are back up and running at 100%.