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Hey folks,

Just wanted to give you a quick update.  As you probably gathered, I've been really frustrated with the recent setbacks and I'm sure all of you have too.
And just to be honest, I took the past 5 days off from the game which is the longest break I've taken since I can't even remember how long.  I know it's not ideal when there's already delays but I honestly needed to switch off for a little while.  From tomorrow, I'll be back working on the game.  However, in my off-time, Cell was continuing to work on the art and made good progress on his scenes and we just need to figure out what to do with the scenes that Red was working on.  Still no word from Red, although he has uploaded some art to our shared folder which is good news but still very enigmatic as we haven't actually heard from him.  And the quality of this new work is excellent (as has been everything he has delivered), so I really hope he gets back in contact with us...
But Red..if you're out there listening...no pressure...just give us a holler when you're up for it.
The script is pretty much done.  Not completely finalized but it's at the stage where I need to see the artwork so I can add the final touches to match dialog with artwork.  So all focus is presently on artwork, including mine.
Also, just to let you know that there will be no more charges for my existing patrons (i.e. ALL of you) until episode 17 is released.  So if for some reason Episode 17 does not come out in April, I will be turning off payment, so you do not get charged at the start of next month.  And payment will remain off until the final (not a partial or Beta - A fully finished episode) has been produced.
This is not an indication that we won't be working on it this month or that there is no hope of an April release - It's just that we won't be charging any more until we deliver this long overdue episode.    As I said, I'll be back focused on it from tomorrow and as usual will be spending all/any free time I have. Cell will continue to put in the crazy hours he has been doing since he joined the team and Ace will continue with his massive contribution and he will actually get started on Episode 18 script (He doesn't do art, so we thought we might as well get a head start on Ep18 while the current bottleneck on Ep17 is all about the art).

Thanks for the patience, support and all of the comments & messages.   It really is appreciated by me and the rest of the team.



Brian Martin

I vaguely remember you making a statement earlier about patreon's opposition to "incestual-type" content. I know that is not quite the case, check out a game by perverteer ... it is all about incest ... Regardless, we know that you all are working to the best of your ability to get out ep. 17. Quality is always better than a rush job, and our patience will be rewarded. Thanks.

Bigg O

We'll see it when we see it. If it's anything like the previous chapters, it'll be WELL worth the wait!


Hey Brian - give me a shout in private message. I'm interested to find out what has been deemed "acceptable" by Patreon regarding other games, so I'll know what I can /cannot push. Patreon's rules are pretty strict so would definitely like to get your insight.