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Hey Folks,

Just wanted to start by saying thanks again to all of you for the support over the past couple of months.  It really is much appreciated.  It's now eight days since the early release of 0.06 has come out, and the feedback so far has been very positive (just one minor continuity error in a single render that I've since fixed).  It was a struggle getting it out in time for the 25th, but I took most of the last week off work, so it worked out well (and just in time).  I literally spent every free minute working on the game, but I loved every second of it.  I really enjoy the process and especially the interaction with people who play the game, so please continue to provide feedback (positive or constructive) as this really does help me improve as I go.

I have Day 4 fully mapped out.  There's very little script completed and a small number of renders, but I have the plan for each scene complete and most of the environments/lighting  set up, so I'm happy with the progress.   At the moment, compared to the previous days, it looks to be bigger (in scope, expected script size and total number of renders) than previous days, so I need to figure out how the release will look, i.e. will the next release cover the entire day (which I was hoping for) or like previous releases, use two episodes to cover a single day, so will keep you posted.....  But either way, there will be a release this month.

It'll depend on what can be trimmed, what can be pushed and what makes sense from a story progression.  I want to continue to keep pushing to make the game more immersive where each decision matters, re-percussions are felt and characters dialog / actions reflect previous decisions & actions.   So keep me honest and call bullshit if this doesn't seem to be the case as you play it!

There'll also be a couple of polls and some teaser pics coming soon.

And will leave you with another quote from the bard: 

"Love All, Screw a few and do wrong to none!"



That last Monica scene was great! Looking forward to the teaser pics!

H.E. Pennypacker

Such a great release, eagerly awaiting the next. I would suggest that Katie get new hair, her current hair is overly saturated in the Daz game market. Maybe she can get a makeover before her date, a ponytail would probably work if you wanted to keep it sporty. I really hope Katie's rival is very tempting, I want to feel conflicted about staying true.