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Just starting to write Episode 5, so now's the chance to give any inputs.  I have it pretty much mapped out in my head, but there's always a chance  I can squeeze something in based on end-user feedback (if it makes sense).  And there's always scope to add in general changes (e.g. I received a request to add in more renders per scene to represent different emotions on characters faces during conversations...so that's something I can accommodate as I go...)


Secret Sal

Pretty solid update - more action than 0.05, and good setups for the future. I've got one suggestion for when the relationships get more developed (which could be soon, at this rate). Right now, choices seem to be pretty binary - right/wrong response, safe/bold action. As things move on, it'd be a good opportunity for some flavour text if we could let the player choose between gentle and aggressive responses. So instead of right/wrong, we get gentle/aggressive/wrong. Like a soft version of purity/corruption approaches in other games. I see that there's a bit of that with Zarah's scene, would be nice to have for the other characters as well. They could just be flavour text and not affect stats. Or if it sounds more interesting, you could keep a track of the player's choices, and change an NPC's responses to the player depending on how they've behaved in the past. Within limits, of course - responses shouldn't be too out-of-character for the NPC.


Yea. That's a fair point about the choices being binary. At the moment, a lot of them are either stat increase/decrease choices, but it's probably a little bit too obvious which is the correct choice. So giving options/ writing text for choices that most people probably won't choose (in most cases, it's pretty obvious which is the "correct" choice), so will take that on board and make some of the decisions a bit more ambiguous and also start building up behaviours a bit more .


Can we get a Monica ass flash or sneak peek? :) Really loved the update, keep up the good work.


Thanks. Just working on two scenes at the moment. I'll get a teaser pic out in the next day or two.....