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Firstly, start by logging into your profile, either using the login button or with your private key at the bottom of the page.

On the left side of the screen, you have access to the list of your  friends, which is currently empty. Click on the "Add friends" button.

You can enter your friend's public key in the field.

But you can also enter their nickname, which is the shortened URL used in the links.

And finally, you can even copy and paste the URL directly from the browser.

In any case, if the key, name, or URL is correct, you will see your  future friend's profile, and you will need to define the relationship  type: 

  • Either you are a mommy or a daddy, and you define your friend as your  little. 
  • Or you are a baby, and you define your friend as your caregiver. 
  • Or it's a simple friendship, and you are just friends.

Once you confirm the relationship, your friend will appear on the left  side. But it will still be grayed out because they still need to accept  the invitation (the small hourglass indicates the date of the request). If you want to abandon the request, for example, because you haven't  received a response, you can click on the red cross.

On your friend's side, the display is almost identical, except that  there is a small green button that allows them to confirm the  relationship. Before confirming, make sure the relationship type suits  you well: caregivers have certain rights over their littles.

There you go, all set! The friendship link is confirmed, with its status.

And the same goes for the other person. By clicking on their name, it  directly opens their friend's profile, making it easier to access their  diaper "weather" updates.

And here comes the surprise! If you are a mommy or a daddy, you can  directly trigger Diaper Checks from your computer. The Telegram  application will relay the request, and you will see real-time updates  directly below the button. 

In the future, this button will be more precisely configured to allow  setting schedules and to avoid too frequent requests. But for now, I'll  let you explore and try it out!




Could you add "big bro" and "little bro" relationship ? Sometimes diaper boys and girls may check each other diapers too.


Hello! Nice idea! What does it mean? It's just the name who change? In fact, if both users have a potty or a diaper license, it's big bro (or big sis depending of the gender), and if it's a caregiver license, it's just a caregiver? Or it depend of the class? If one is toilet trained, it's a cargiver, and ortherwise it's a big brother? Help me find the right way to do that!


It's not a lot of work... just check the type of your license and change the name displayed...