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An essential feature to enable even more interactions and connections  is, of course, the ability to add friends. 

A basic function will simply list the people you know, making it easy to  access their card, but more importantly, their album and status  history: who's ready for a diaper change, who needs to be fed, etc. 

The advanced function, which will be developed later on, will allow  direct interactions through Gwendolyn, enabling you to request regular  diaper checks throughout the day and remotely ensure that everything is  in order. With this feature, we will also add a setting for the  visibility of the photos you upload: will they be visible to everyone,  only to your friends, or exclusively available to your Mommy/Daddy or  other caregiver. In short, more fun and interactivity coming soon. Patreons will, of  course, have early access to these features.


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