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Whewww, finally they are done!
Thank you A LOT on voting and feedback in comments regarding choosing the male desighn attributes, your opinions helped me a lot to get the final vision on that character x3 I think I like how they look, finally!

Sorry for this animation actually taking so long. I had a lot of issues with it but for now characters are done, final concept questions are decided, storyboard is ready, animatic is in process :3 So the main part begins! Btw is appears to become pretty long one, huh...Not longer than Ace but pretty big. I have some ideas which will probably challenging to do but I think everything will work out very interesting in the final result! ^^

And so the question for you - what stuff associates for you with tribal theme? Write me if you wanna and maybe Ill include it in this animation! Can be anything btw, scenery, characteristics, colors, sounds - anything! :3 In just interested! 




They look fantastic. I hope they make a loving pair leading the tribe.

Ian Logrono

Straw Houses, little to no clothing, hand made fruit baskets. Chief. All of these scream tribal to me

D. G. Speirs (The Tao of Maud)

Some speculation based on the art: these two are from different tribes. If so, then you're looking at conflict - either actual or ritual. In the former, you're looking, in addition to the adornment, actual weapons - stone, bone, or antler-based daggers, or clubs for close-in, melee combat. At a range, either spears or bow and arrow. In the latter case (ritual combat ceremony), it is a weapon that is either given as a sign of submission, or taken as a sign of ritual combat, in either case establishing victor and vanquished. Best of luck with the project. I look forward to seeing the results.


Love her open hair with the flower <3

Le Ratchet

Maybe like a ritual hut or room where the new couple consumate thier union for the first time. Everyone waits outside until they are done and then cheer. The room could have some artifacts and toys maybe XD

Bluedragon3399 .

They could be on a hunt and figure out that they love each other :D

Red Herrington

The Tauren from wow seem to be my go-to when it comes to tribal themes. So basically, Native American theme and backdrops, like a group of leather huts gathered either in a temperate forest or on sunbaked plains. As for the plot, it could be a festival or ritual where, to insure strength in future generations, the youth of the village partake in either a free for all orgy, or match-made pairing. Either way, it will end in consummation of the union.


Personally, I associate Tribal with (re)connection to the natural world and 'Rite of Passage' (becoming an adult or taking on new role / responsibility)


I think it would be cool with a more "green" scenario like the tribes of Amazonas-Br, with the sound of birds and vegetation. The characters are really good, maybe it's nice an addendum of the male character is going through a rite of passage, like from Boy to Man (I don't mean minor, but rather, something that inside "evolution" that part of the animation is the last step in this rite of passage).


Simply: nice cock. Your work is always amazing!