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My friend from Europe saw this picture and she told me that I got late with Christmas themes BUT this is for New Year. Here, in Russia, we do not celebrate Christmas on 24th, but we have the same celebration on New Year. With all kinds of gifts, family gathering, red hats(also blues very often x3). So Leaf came to say good wishes to you all!

This year it happened so that I will celebrate New Year alone. My friends cant come and my parents now living on dacha because of, you know, overall country problems <_< And I cant come to them as well cause I have no car xD So they will be coming only on Christmas, which is 7th on Jan. I havent been in the groceries yet and the only thing I have is frozen pizza and few cans of Cola so far. I really want to make russian salad tho, so Im going to get some after posting this x3 Hope I will not get lost in the masses in the store cause omg there are usually so many people the day before New Year!

Actually Im deciding now what I want more for today - onion soup or roast in a pot hmmm whaccha think? :D

I havent felt the lack of time so badly for a long time. I feel I still need a lot of to do and omg, Im not ready for a new year coming xD Time goes too fast!! Stop it, someone! haha

Well how your Christmas went? Got some nice presents or ate something cool or met someone you ve missed? :3 Tell me your stories!

Hope the upcoming year will be better than the last one. I wish everyone the best and stay safe <3 Happy holidays and a Happy New Year!




I love Leaf. She's so cute.


С наступающим, надеюсь 2023 будет лучше для нас всех


Happy new year


Happy new year! Hope its a good one for you!

Epic Kitten

Stay safe and I hope for the best &lt;3

Psymon Byesford

I'd say go with the pot roast and make plenty, have leftovers!


HNY mistress!


roast beef, please lol. This end of the year was great, to rest and relax after a full and tiring year.

Lars Bishop

When should we expect the coworkers animation with sound?

Arcelia Xelph

Happy New Year!! I didn't know Russia celebrated Christmas so much later. Thank you for sharing a little bit of your culture with us! I hope you wound up having a good meal :)