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Have you seen this show? It is goood! tho quite shocking sometimes...But maybe I like it because of that, hehe! In February there will be a film, cant wait to see :3

In December I met a big bad issue - my drawing tablet broke. Yeah, it was pretty new Cintiq 24 pro, only 11 months and it SUDDENLY got white light stripes all over it. That was a challenge to get a warranty but I got it. A person from shop will come on 2nd of Jan to take it and return it to the shop. Id like to change it to new but they dont have them anymore ;c

Other than that I can say that this winter there is no good oranges in my city. None. All of them are sour or dry or no taste at all, so depressing!! And just as an interesting fact - oranges in Russia for Ney Year is almost the same as Turkey for Thanksgiving day!

Oh also this month I got myself a fancy blackboard to place it on the wall so I can make notes while animate. It is very handy and cool. I got the board, opened it, there was a special pencil inside to write on it. One person took this pencil and drew a dick at the middle :0000 And you know what? Pencil stopped to write and has never started again....And know what else? I cant fully wipe that dick xDDD So now I have a fancy blackboard with a benis drawing on my wall!

Oh, today is New Year also! Since in Russia we do not celebrate Christmas on 24th-25th we do celebrate Ney Year! It is the same as Christmas just on the different date ^^ My parents will come and we will have a big meal and presents and all that nice holiday stuff x33 Hope you are having awesome holidays there!! See you in 2020!

Hd in attach!




If we don’t get season 2 soon I’m gonna have to start buying the manga >_<


We aren't getting a season two, its what the movie in February is about. Continuing where the anime ended. It's such a good show, very surprised to see art about it here. Very happy with it though


Ah yes, Lovecraft’s Happy Murder Hole. Good times! But seriously, I loved Made In Abyss. Equal parts beautiful and horrifying.