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  • HM_COMP.mp4



I did it. Diiid it! :D I put sooooo much effort in this!

You cant imagine how much I hope you will like it xD

I wanted to finish it 3 days ago but there were always some stuff to fix. A lot of compose work in this one. Its very massive for the unique frames. I think it is the biggest my animation by now ^^ It will has sound in the future :3

So please enjoy! I really hope it is a good thing to release on Ney Yeah :D Happy holidays everyone! *faints to sleep*

PS. Video in attach




Wow that's amazing :) . What a twisted ending XD


Instantly a favorite, I definitely want to see more of these two in the future. Also those transitions were really nice, very high quality.




More more more


Magnificent ! <3


Well congratulations you got it out before the new year


It´s absolutly amazing <3

Harley Dillon

I LOVE the end, so meta. Funny and hot!


Wow, just wow, the ending was adorable

Seth Richards

Those transitions must have been quite difficult. I absolutely love how much effort you put the the small details e.g. the expressions and body language


You are doing excellent. I like the humour you put in these. :)


So adorable


OMG Eipirl, that was wonderful! I love the personality of both characters! Makes me excited for audio to be done for this one. Even with your tablet situation you still managed to get this one done this month. I hope that situation gets rectified soon. I'm sure we all would agree to help in anyway possible if you need it.

Francis Wyvern

Awesome animation definitely worth the wait. I especially liked that 3d rotation to view her face!


This was great and I look forward to sound being added. Also she was adorable at the end.


Wow! That really is your best one so far. You truely are the BEST furry animator.

El Carlos Aguillón

The best way to end the year, thank you very much.

Ember Valeno

Another awesome animation :) Also I really hope I wasn't the only one who went to actual Pornhub to look at the account that they posted on in this XD


Ha! Loved the punchline! Fantastic work all around! Have a Happy New Year!


Great animation. My guess of what she was waiting for was close enough but i did say views not comments.


🤣😂🤣 that ending was cute


I am in love with her little hip wiggle at the end x3. Great work as always Eip. You deserve all happiness in the world.


Oh noes! This is my mistake I forgot to wipe this! 🙀 will fix it on sound... also thanx for noticing (this is a random acc and video I just used for background)

cittran genericlastname

That ending, ROFLMAO. Also, when this is inevitably uploaded onto PH, does that make the ending pornception?


Woa, NICE, best new years gift i have ever got! Thanks for making my day ^^ Happy new year Eipril, best luck and lots of patreons for u in the future ^^ Hope u will make awesome stuff like that till Ragnarok. I really look forward to the Version with Sound ^.^ Great job :3


i like how met this is


You’re a legend


a bloody legend