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As you might have guessed, we've been going through our closets and putting up (almost) everything we can find socked away somewhere and often never published.

This was the page meant to go between this one: 


and this one:


... but at the last moment, I thought I'd better check with Scott.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time but then when I stepped back ...

So especially after the flag debacle ... in my usual act of bravery, decided maybe not show people why Typh sticky noted everyone unless they looked on Patreon.

Plus it's actually funnier to go from without notes straight to them and find out why later/elsewhere.


Scott replied:

"I do think we'll hold back on this one if only because I have plans for this subject matter I want to bring fresh to the table.

The rest are very funny, though."

The rest are very funny, though.

Sick and well deserved burn.

Also why even though Scott handed over everything to me and said I could take the story in whatever direction I wanted, my first decision was to let him stick to his plan and not even think about writing the main story myself.

It's all for the best, really.

Answers as to who's responsible for sending said Christmas gift in the comments section please.

Art by Colin Wells.

In his defence, he did it for the money.

(Thanks to Scott for saying this was OK to put up now.)



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