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So I've found myself with two weeks of unexpected leave from February 6th to February 21st inclusive (apparently I accumulated too much leave last year so I've got to go on holiday whether I like it or not).

At least that'll give me the time to get as much as is possible sorted out for Exiern in the meantime. There'll be the annual Valentine's Day event (our fifth year in the famous - and infamous - VDSD) but I'll also be using the time to do as much maintenance on the Patreon. I'll be working on trying to appropriately tag everything for ease of navigation which I've already started on.

Also a reminder, there's going to be loads of new content this month which really should have been posted sooner and we apologise for that. We aim to try and make up for it by dropping several months worth of (admittedly late!) content before the end of the month.

Finally for now, please watch the main site for an upcoming announcement within the next week also about some upcoming content as well.


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