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The Patreon exit interviews are anonymous when someone cancels a pledge but we just had one saying from yesterday that they hadn't received any rewards since December.

Now I did a quick count for the month of December 2020 and there's been something like 20 posts at the $5 tier, 7 at the $1 tier and 4 free ones with the story Maiden King from our good friend Tom Reynolds. 

There's also been a few announcements like this one, most notably saying there would be a lot of content that we should have posted much sooner but will be coming this month.

So anyway, just wanted to hear from everyone, do you all appear to be getting what you should be as December 2020 had a lot more updates than the months preceding it.

Thanks everyone for your feedback in advance from the Exiern Team.



I am certainly receiving awards... lots of them. Thanks guys!


I've been seeing plenty of rewards...


We're hoping to post a lot more for both the $1 and $5 tiers this month. We also have two Dark Reflections titles that publish weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday for anyone who was unaware of those.


Oh good, we're relieved. Definitely need to work out if there's a problem with the system for anyone. We'd recommend to everyone just occasionally checking their feed on Patreon for updates from Exiern if they don't get an email notification for a while. We're also always happy to be contacted via the Patreon messaging system too.


I have been seeing plenty of rewards. Have even considered increasing my monthly pledge as I do enjoy the comic.


No problem with the rewards.


Seem's fine to me.


Much obliged! Credit for the story completely goes to everyone else but me, Scott has been looking after all that for years and continues to do so for as long as he'll have us. There's going to be a lot of material coming for both the $1 and $5 tiers this month, we hope you like it!


That's great, glad to hear it. We hope you continue to enjoy them (lots coming this month) and we're always happy to get feedback anytime.


That is good to hear. Lots more lined up for this coming month and and please contact us anytime you want if there's any queries.


Seems like I've gotten all of the $1 reward posts.


Oh good, glad to hear it. Let us know if you ever have any questions. Any time is fine.


Everything’s groovy on this end.


I've gotten plenty of posts from y'all. No issues on my end. Good luck fixing the issues! Hopefully they just accidentally clicked it.🤗

Thomas Dorner

Everything's fine here, so there's no general problem.


Sorry to everyone I haven't replied to yet, working on another project to hopefully help promote the site further and it's now past 4am here. Will get back to everyone as soon as I can!


Glad to hear it! More to come this month. Message us if there's anything we can hopefully help you with if you need something!


Hopefully :-) - Glad to hear everything's good for you! Message us if you need anything to do with your subscription and hopefully we can help!


Glad to hear it! If there's anything to do with your subscription that you think we might be able to help with, please message us and hopefully we can!

Kaffeyette Lektor

Sorry for the late reply. I've been on medical leave. When I first signed up to the $10 tier, I used to receive physical artwork rewards in the mail. I'm in Australia, so I didn't feel it was necessary if it was too much trouble (but it was pretty cool), and I really just wanted to help support the comic to ensure it kept going. I'm not even sure what extras I'm supposed to receive, but I'm happy so long as the comic is more financially viable and the story keeps going.


I'm in Australia as well but Scott handled all the mail outs from Ohio before he handed things over to me. There's been a bit of a changeover period which is why everyone on the $10 tier has a commission each from our main artist to compensate but we're going to try and get everything up and running again for the $10 tier again soon. There'll be another announcement for the $10 tier very soon and its future very soon.