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Heyo howdy, happy Friday! I brought a bucket, it's full of news and stuff you might wanna sift through.

First on the agenda is some Vex Clock news! As you may know, I've been working on the city district this month and I'm just about done. Currently working on the boss stage and getting that done. Something I've been wanting to talk about is how I've been going about completing each region in this game.

I've been going about doing the main meat of each region by completing each set of four combat stages and one boss stage along with the cutscene that plays before each boss. However, once I begin development on the fourth region, I'm gonna stop and start going back to all three previous regions and adding in their introduction cutscene and hangout events. Until that's all completed, I won't be moving onto the fourth and final region in the game.

I'm heavily considering creating a demo for Patrons to try out hopefully by next month if all goes according to plan! Excited to see your reactions and hearing your feedback, positive or negative.

Now onto some Microwave Waifu Dating Sim news. Onyan has been knocking it out of the park lately with all the new sprites being produced. Each character has gotten their set of expressions finished and we're awaiting the coloring process.

Ai Mirai - Character sprite by Onyan | (Check em' out! https://twitter.com/OnyanCronch )

As for the game itself, we're slowly making progress getting the story written up with the introductory getting it's first draft rather recently! I will most likely keep quiet about the game from here on out until we get a big push forward, but until then, look forward to more news on it in the future once we get the game off the ground.

And that's a wrap! Enjoy your happy hour this fine Friday evening, and I'll see y'all next time!


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