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Well howdy! Surprised to see a Prototype One update drop? Teased it the other day on my Twitter, been working on this patch for like two days and finally got it done today. Got a lot of nasty bugs squashed after so long and even added in a couple new room variations to spice up the gameplay loop! Granted it isn't a lot, but it helps for sure.

Added: One new shirt texture (Was gonna add more but my randomized character system blueprint is an utter disaster, so no thanks, lol)
Added: Five new regular room variations for both zones
Change: Made it so you fully recover your stamina after entering a room
Change: Made player's attack speed a bit faster (0.4 seconds before attack hitbox would spawn, now 0.3 seconds)
Change: Increased the brightness of the player's ambient glow when playing with the "No Flashlight" handicap
Fixed: A bug where the enemy would attack the player if they brush against them when not in a chase
Fixed: A bug where enemy attack hitboxes would remain in the environment for too long
Fixed: A bug where certain enemies would be invisible on Lowest graphical settings
Fixed: A Stamina buff-up coin bug that made it so getting stamina coins had no effect on the player's stamina until they reached six tokens

And that's a wrap! Hope you enjoy this small update. It's definitely made Hollowed difficulty a bit easier to play, now that you can play on the Lowest graphics without getting killed by an invisible enemy and stamina tokens no longer being bugged. Good luck on the challenge if you plan on completing it!

Download 64 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o9fzHdYKMhVrM3Pmq5FLtIfFxp9CCSK3/view?usp=sharing
Download 32 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K2JdLmv9N11hr2LZ3G2YN-K68kOG_lGJ/view?usp=sharing


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