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Development continues as I slowly close in on finishing this second region. Still got a boss fight to finish and some other touch ups before I move onto the third chapter. I won't be able to spoil much while I fiddle away on this chunk of the game, so how bout we talk about some of the story details and who the protagonists are in this grand adventure across Vex Clock.


An android who's hunted outlaws for a living has now become one. Refusing to let his planet be ruled by Emmeline, a hotheaded princess who snaps at the drop of a hat, he and an unlikely bunch of fugitives must fight their way through the city, reach the castle, stop the coronation and forcefully become the leader of Vex Clock.


Overhearing a conversation one night at the pub about a small group planning to fight Emmeline and take the crown for themselves, Lilian grabbed her things and set out to join them. Rough around the edges but willing to be the first to step up and protect her comrades. Lilian does her best to prove herself and lead the group whenever the opportunity arises.


A quiet soul and former captain to the kingdom, until she was betrayed by her unit and wanted for crimes she did not commit. Frustrated and confused, Chloe hid in the shadows until she found a new cause to fight for. Her plans for revenge are no longer just a distant dream.


Originally the heir to the throne, Rosa was backstabbed by her sister Emmeline and nearly killed by her subjects. Waking up among the wreckage of the slums, she wandered the streets alone, lost and broken hearted by this act of betrayal, until she stumbled across Keith and his group. Now determined to set things right, she joins him in an attempt to stop Emmeline and restore her right to the throne.


A rather aloof but trustworthy fighter, Kathy has always looked at the bright side of things and willing to cheer up a friend when life's got them down. No one knows where she came from, just happened to stumble upon the gang the night before their expedition and stuck around for no definitive reason.


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