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Eyo folks! Thought I'd update y'all with some dev log stuff since it might be awhile before I upload anything onto here. Been taking it easy these past two weeks after Doomy's update dropped, but now I'm starting to get back into the groove once again. I have been working on Shopping Nightmare 2 a wee bit as you've seen on Twitter, but while I wait for some juicey assets to come in from Padre, I'm killing time working on STFTD's update. Right now I'm rigging up and animating all 26 monsters in the game as well as any new ones I decide to put into this update. Since it's gonna be a big content filled update, I'd reckon SN2 will come first before this.

Good ol' Anguish was the first one I've gone ahead and rigged up and animated. Gonna finish off the rest in the coming days/weeks depending on how long I take to get them all done. Excited to see this update finally come together! Can't wait to release it this year.



i knew there was a update to strange terror from the deep i thought you where gonna add jellien event and update the monsters