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Fixed a couple bugs and nerfed a few things that folks reported. I plan on doing a bigger update at some point to make boss stages easier, but it'd take time and unfortunately I can't be dedicating much of that time to this game right now since I got other stuff to work on. For now, this should at least make the game a bit easier.

Fixed: A bug where items sometimes wouldn't spawn in the Discount Junk Haven map.
Nerfed: The Bone Strangler's sight range and speed acceleration to be slightly lower
Nerfed: The Goose to not increase your fear on sight. Considering he's a difficult enemy to escape, I thought it was a good nerf for him.
Changed: The Ass Sawer to have increased sight range. This may seem like a buff, and in a way it is, but it should decrease the chances of him peepawing you by spawning in front of you.
Nerfed: All boss acceleration speed to be slightly lower to give you a little bit more time to react.

Download 64 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g7fj4vtL8ZmUyyAtq-_NB4I3WZRD84eO/view?usp=sharing
Download 32 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mYjwWfKmRe2AEV9HDJBIsi2meeZLYcKp/view?usp=sharing



You make a valid and great point Dave. And no matter what Edgy Dave says, you're still the best game dev who ever lived!