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Heya everyone! The new alpha for Around The Clock at Bikini Bottom is finally out! It features a new batch of levels, reworks/improvements to previous levels and every Jellien type is now in the game!

Disclaimer: Please do not spoil anything about the game in public. If you have something to discuss, DM me or leave it in the comments here on my Patreon rather than on my social media or Youtube, lol.

With that out of the way, here's the changelog aswell as the download link.

Added: three new levels, Patrick's Rock, Squidward's Monument and Spongebob's Pineapple. Industrial Park was already included in the last build so I'm not gonna mention that as a new level, lol.

Added: Two cutscenes for when the game boots up

Added: New stuff to the map screen

Added: New loading screens to each level

Added: New particle effects for fire, digging, etc

Added: New electricity effects for when you get zapped

Added: New sound effects for all Jellien types

Added: The Squirter Jellien

Added: The Prowler Jellien

Added: The Belcher Jellien

Added: The Alpha Jellien

Added: The Warhead Jellien and his nest

Fixed: A ton of bugs

Updated: The Krusty Krabs' floor textures and added a new event to occur at 3:20 AM

Updated: Jellyfish Fields' intro/outro cutscenes

Added: An alternate path to Jellyfish Fields as well as new Jellien variants.

Updated: Sandy's Treedome intro and outro cutscenes

Buffed: The Small Nutbot's speed

Buff/Nerfed: The Nutalarm's digging speed but in turn reduced how long he can dig by half

Reworked: Mrs. Puff's Boating School to include new textures, objectives, cutscenes and more!

Known Issues: 

1. The boot up cutscenes' audio can sometimes be out of sync

2. There's some frame rate drops in some areas like Jellyfish Fields. I plan on fixing that stuff sometime.

3.  You can't pause in the industrial park boss fight. This was done on purpose due to a pesky bug I still need to fix in that level with the pause menu.

Download: [Link Removed]

List of playable levels: Jellyfish Fields, Boating School, Sandy's Treedome, Krusty Krab, Industrial Park, Patrick's Rock, Squidward's Monument and Spongebob's Pineapple.

And that about wraps up this update. I feel bad saying this, but please refrain from posting any videos of the game. At least until I feel the game is in a good state to be shown to the public, y'know. But I hope you enjoy this build nonetheless. :)